Ignore the earnings



Comparing my work from others just made me envious and stress. Who will don't when I'm just earning a little but others earning insane. I wanted to earn like them but no matter what I do. My earnings were just average and sometimes nothing. It's funny when I proclaimed myself as a writer, not a professional by the way. It's funny but actually, it's embarrassing to think of myself like that but few people love my work.

It just makes me pressure the more I think about it. I don't like asking someone to support my post either. It's more embarrassing that way. Even I'm just like this I still have a pride remains in me. That's why I did ranting sometimes and murmuring maybe. Although, it's not good to act that way. Just let the people or the other users support me if they really like my work or my writings.

I accepted already that I'm not good but of course expecting for great earnings are better. There's nothing I can do with that I think. That's why I chose to accept the fact that I'm not an artist and I'm not a professional writer. Then it came to my mind that I must not focus on my rewards. It will just make me disappointed by the time I keep on checking on it. I will stop on worrying it before I will do stupid actions, like stealing the work of others. That kind of people has no pride at all and I don't want to be like them.



What am I doing right now to avoid those envious feeling? I just keep writing what will come into my mind. For now, this is only I can do. I'm asking more but I'm not asking the other people. I only asked myself to do better writings. While I wasn't writing I used to think about what more I could do. I know I didn't reach my limit yet. All I need is to exceed myself from my limitations by doing hard. The road is still long to go.

I will just ignore how painful it will be when my writing is being ignored. That's a challenge anyway to keep on writing and to learn where am I lacking. It's not easy of course, well there's no easy way in life. Imagine when you keep on sitting you will suddenly feel that it's hard to live like this.

Stop minding the earnings of your posts and just remind yourself of the enjoyment it gives when you're doing things you love to do. Life is not just about money and the same in pursuing the things you love. You're not just aiming one thing but a lot of things.

Don't steal and stop complaining. That's the secret to becoming happy.

thank you for reading