GOODBYE MY LOVE (short fiction story)

unsplash by Hean Prinsloo

Summer has ended and my vacation in the province is ending as well. It's kind of lonely leaving this place, a very relaxing place and most of the people are good. Yeah, our town Macrohon is full of good people. Every summer I can be here because it's the only month that there are no classes. After summer I'll go back to the City where I'm studying. It's been a while since the last time I visited this place. Maybe it's 5 years already since I found a pretty girlfriend named Anica. She's the love of my life, I love her so much that I could die if I'll see her being with someone.

After 4 years we broke up because she forgot everything about me and all she can remember is her family and her memories of high school. I thought we could be together forever and ever. We planned already our futures and we built already our dreams if we will graduate from college. But everything was changed when she forgets about me. I spent a year kept of tailing her because I thought she would remember the feelings and the love we shared before. Maybe, it's just me who thoughts about impossible situations like that. It breaks my heart, it kills me inside when I found out she came back to her

unsplash by Fabrizio Verrecchia

I couldn't take it, so I visited again our place where I can let myself free from pain. But it's just a bad idea because I isolated myself to everyone and keep on crying. I just miss her so much while being alone all the time.

"I'm going to win her heart back this time."

The classes started and I'm so excited to go to school. Of course, I'm going to see Anica again. Even though I'm eager to see her, there's a feeling that makes me worried. She's my classmate and I can see her every day during classes. I arrived in our room and I'm so happy. I'm walking towards Anica to say hi and to say

"Hi Ani-----"

I stopped myself from greeting her because she stood up and hug her ex-boyfriend that currently her boyfriend now named Pew. She looks very happy talking with that guy, it's like what I'm thinking inside if I'll see her again. I turned my back at her while suppressing the pain I feel inside.

unsplash by Kat J

It's impossible now to have her back in my life. The feelings she showed before is now she's showing to that guy. It's painful but what can I do when she's the one showing me a goodbye to our relationship. It kills me inside but it's better rather than I'll kill her by my presence of tailing her.

thank you for reading