Everyone can dream



Dream is the reason why we continue to live on. ~ mrnightmare

Even in younger age, we started dreaming to have a lot of toys. So, dreaming something is normal for us human. We want something in the future, to have a wonderful life or to have an exciting life. Although, it may sound absurd for those who live in poverty. Some people think that they're not allowed to dream. They don't have the capabilities to achieve and that is why they're being discriminated about dreaming. Well, that's not totally true because when we were sleeping we already dreamed of something. How much more if we opened our eyes and see ourselves compared to other people.

This is just about hard work to achieve that dream. A young child I saw picking up garbage to sell it because he wanted to be at school. He said that only education can lift them to poverty. That child was thinking that he wanted to have a better life rather than stay like that. Who are we to judge for those people who dream bigger? Everyone can have what kind of life they want in the future after all. Don't think they wanted to stay poor all of their lives.

Compare to the rich people maybe it's impossible. It will be harder for us or for them for sure. But there's no harm in trying if we are determined to make something happen. As I've said before, as long as you keep on thinking about what you wanted to happen. There's no impossible and there's no miracle.



We are not watching a movie and this is not a fairy tale that a fairy godmother will just come. This is the reality that once you didn't do something, nothing will happen for sure. But when you set your dream and aim for it. You need to work hard for it. Hard work betrayed sometimes but believe it will not all the time. Time will come that the steps you made in achieving our dreams will be visible in our eyes. It will not happen right away but it will happen for sure.

Remember that not all the time we only have darker days. It will be brighter when we open our eyes and start walking to grab those dreams. There should be challenges, of course, like for example life status, family problems and many more. Just part of challenges if we really are determined to have that. That's why don't think that you have no right to dream. Everyone has, it's just a matter of believing it.

thank you for reading
